There’s a considerable amount of space to explore between settlements, with items to pick up and chests to loot located in places that will take you a while to work out exactly how to get them. Prison Island is a wonderful location for Luffy’s escapades here, full of lush greenland, mountainous regions and quaint towns pockmarking the landscape. What’s here is a Breath of the Wild-style open world mixed with spatterings of Spider-man’s world traversal and upgrade systems, and it sort of works. Now, after falling for an ambush, Luffy and his cohorts set about righting the wrongs on the island while they make the necessary repairs to the Thousand Sunny, which just so happens to take as long as the time you spend doing the game’s main quest line. Like most pirates, the call of treasure is too good to resist for the Straw Hats and so they find themselves on Prison Island, a former mining colony now known for being under the control of the navy and home to several prisons for sea-faring ne’er-do-wells. The One Piece Series has been going for a long time now, with the manga closing in on it’s one thousandth chapter that sort of lengthy success would always invite videogame adaptations.

Luffy, the likeable but one track minded leader of the Straw Hat Pirates. Oh to be the Pirate King, to sail to the Grand Line, find the legendary treasure of One Piece and claim the title of the greatest pirate in the land…that’s the tale of Monkey D.